WhyIslam has a comprehensive program to facilitate assimilation of New Muslims (Reverts) within our well established Muslim Communities. The WhyIslam Ansar program has a vision to support new Muslims in all aspects of life, providing them spiritual, social, financial and counseling services.

The idea is to address the need in the community to help new Muslims with the challenges they face in many aspects of life, including basic religious duties and friendship. One of the immediate objectives of WhyIslam Ansar program is to train a group of mentors under the supervision of leading scholars and Imams of the Bay Area to help new Muslims on their journey to become practicing Muslims and to be role models for their non-Muslim friends and family.

New Muslim Support

WhyIslam Ansar program also includes support for new Muslims and is there for them if they need mentoring or other support. Feel free to contact us through email at whyislam@icnabayarea.org. Along with this, another great resource for help and support are the classes held at MCA, specifically the New Muslims classes.

Your Support

This program is essential to handle a large number of new Muslims accepting Islam in response to dawah efforts of various organizations. In addition, this infrastructure support is required to handle requests of prospective Muslims requesting Masjid visits through 1-877-Why-Islam hotline and other channels.

Your support (Donate | Volunteer) is critical for continuing and increasing our efforts to build a tolerant, diverse and understanding community.